Monday, June 25, 2007

Bowling .....

Last minute to register with EBIFC bowling tournament. Memula nak antar 1 team je, tapi ramai plak yang teringin nak main. Formed another team. Nak gi register, dah penuh lak lane. Huhuhu...camne ni, diorang dah on the way. Takpe la, bagi la can abg2 yang terror ni main. Kalau aku yang tak terror ni main, kalah la jawabnyer.

3 games per person. Apsal brother2 ni tak perform hari ni? Selalu 200+ je points nye. Ni nak cecah 170 pun payah. Jenguk2 opponent sebelah...errmmm...patut pun..sumernyer ala-ala average aje. setakat lebih sikit dari 100. Low profile kunun. Takmoh tinggal kengkawan jejauh. Prihatin sungguh...patut lemau je diorang main....

Meh..tengok result diorang...Bro Salmy ni je yang lepas 200. Yang lenglain memang averagenye 150 - 160 aje...tapi disebabkan orang lain tak ler berapa kitorang ni tamat dengan KEJUARAAN GILANG GEMILANG. 1st placing in team and individual....bro Salmy la tu...saper lagi. heh !!!

Punya lama nak tunggu penyampaian hadiah..ada lagi 4 team lom habis. Tunggu lepas sejam baru diorang habih...penat tunggu hadiah..sekali dapat...HAMPER je...sian diorang...anyway...had fun dengan bebudak fan club lain...especially lane sebelah da vom (da' voice of Mila), happening giler bebudak ni...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Futsal Dangdut

Lama dah stop berfutsal ni. Usually everyweek mesti ada satu hari scheduled for futsal. Ntah la, mebbe sumer bz kot. Since end of this month ada tournament, kena la jugak menggagahkan diri untuk turun training (bunyi cam terror je, idok ler terror maner pun). Dah book untuk esok sekali, tapi melihatkan keadaan hari ni yg tak smp seploh org dtg.....ada kemungkinan ni esok, separuh pengsan lagi.

Futsal Dangdut ni, tak ler canggih mana pun, carpetnyer pun smp dah terbukak2, takde org wat maintenance ke haper, tapi harga nye kalau weekend, lagi mahal dari Sport Planet. Tapi, masih ramai gak yg nak gi sini. I think it is just because of the side entertainment yang ada kat sini kot. Ada karaoke kat sini, so called Open Karaoke kat kedai depan ni. Sape main kat pitch last mesti takleh concentrate, ramai benor immigrant2 dok nyanyi lagu2 kampung diorang kat sini.

Oleh sebab itu jugak ler , kitorang panggil futsal centre ni FUTSAL DANGDUT. Yang datang nyanyi nyer kat karaoke ni, Indon2, pakcik2, makcik2 dan abg2 'Persatuan Pemandu Teksi Kuala Lumpur' gamaknyer. Aduh!!! asik ler dgr lagu ala-ala Roma Irama....kwang3x. Yang pastinyer, tokey karaoke tu, selalunyer syok sendiri, siap joget pocho-pocho lak kat tgh laman tuh.....hish!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Report Card

Last weekend, time to collect Farah's Report Card, after her 1st semester's exam. Bebudak skang ni, tadika pun dah kena dtg ambik report card. Ingat lagi masa aku skoloh tadika dedolu....takde plak sibuk mak bapak aku datang nak collect report card, what so call Parents/Teachers Day. Whoaaa.....macam nak ambik result SPM la plak queue nyer, kengkonon nak discuss pasal progress anak2....don't U think it's a bit too far from her SPM's year...hahaha....very the kuno thinking huh?? Kekekeke....

Discuss punya discuss dgn all the teachers, until I stopped at one subject...SCIENCE, skolah tadika pung blaja science, tapi yang peliknye peksa darjah 6 tu takde la plak subjek science yang nak di'assess'nyer. Si Farah ni cuma dapat 96% aje, the reason being was, 1st page, cikgunye suh tulis 1) Full Name; 2) Class; 3) School; 4) Embition ..... she wrote up to number 3... (obviously it was not bcoz of the spelling, but she really didn't know what was it I guess) BUT as for you guys??? Do you know what to answer for no 4) ???? Hehehe.... I have to excuse the teacher...kindergarten teacher... trying to ignore but irritating can't expect so much from them? Nope..nope..nope..people pay maaaa...and yet so expensive !!!

Went to another station, SMART READER..... Cikgu ni pun trying to explain... she is (Farah) bla..bla..bla... Then, aku pun tanyer, which level she is now? Which book yang U all guna, never seen the book at home anyway. Dgn bangganya dia tunjuk, we finished her 1st & 2nd level which covered 3 letter words, and she is now moving to 3rd level, (while showing all the words in the book) where 4 letter words (oopsss not that 4 letter words yeah!!!) .... and pointed to the words.....1) push; 2) bush and guess what??? She pronounced it as 'bash' (pronounce it in Malay please) huhuhuhu.....this is too much, Smart Reader's teacher can't really read and pronounce properly......sad....sad...sad.... kena report ngan principal ni.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Yeeehaaaa ... managed to get the Donuts - Big Apple' it from The Curve of course...there's no where U can find it yet, except The Curve. Sib baik ada kengkawan yg baik hati nak belikan...

A lil bit dissapointed though....I only tasted the Green Tea as of now...not as good as J.CO's, not too much on the toppings...but the texture of the donut itself. I can say, J.Co's are so much softer n fluffier (excuse my word!! Not suppose to use for food huh??).They are just way too far to compare with J.Co's. I dunno!!! Mebbe I need to taste more of the donuts...Hey!!! Give them a break girl!!!... As for all donuts lovers??? Your thought??? Please don't put dunkin in this group, that is nothing to compare with.... J.Co vs Big Apple vs KrispyKreme??? Hermm....

Big Apple vs. KrispyKreme vs. J.Co

Haven't tried the coffee yet, there in Big Apple. J.Co's coffee?? Not bad...not bad at all...sure you can't compare with the main coffee houses like Starbuck and Coffee Bean....but in short they are nice...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Word of Wisdom ....

When U're successful, your well wishers know who you are

When U're UNsuccessful, U know who your well wishers are

Frustated.....but GREAT

Making a big ~SIGH~ after my hard work, I better call it as my smart work, when people do not know how to appreciate it, nor look at it, worst still, dunno anything about it but too much comments on it, -ve side of it, of course!!! Kinda demote me... Arrghh!!! So what !!! Do I really care on what people has in their mind and what they wanna say or have to say?? Let it be...anyhow, anyways it won't stop me from moving forward, ahead, and definitely be better than before..... at least I know what I've done, the satisfaction of achieving it ..... is just GREAT !!! ....

Rasa nak bom je bilik ni....ada sape2 nak jadi terrorist, leh ler apply ngan saya..hehehe :-)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Thought of the day ....

Watch your thougths, for they become words
Choose your words, for they become actions
Understand your actions, for they become habits
Study your habits, for they become your character
Develop your character
For they become your destiny ....

Down to Singapore & Batam

Catching up with the 815 flight to S'pore....aduh sebelum subuh dah kuar umah.....smp airport sempat gak breakfast....enjoyed breakfast too much I guess, smp org buat last call pun tak perasan..ish..ish..ish....

Orchard Hotel

Smp hotel about 11 ++...lepak jap...pastu off tu jln2 carik makan....errmmm...nachos + Jumbo Combo @ Hard Rock.......impressive...too much though for 4...nak masuk dessert pun tak muat....tgk je la Hot Fudge Sundae orang ..

Mlm we were ready for the Indoor Stadium, S'pore...huhuhu...the crowd was not that great....biase la community kat S'pore ni kan.. it was a malay programme...mana ada kaum2 lain nak tumpang sekaki...anyway, nothing special at this APM...nothing extra ordinary. Performers nya pun...lepas awak, saya.... lepas saya, awak la ye...hahaha...balik2 Taufiq Batisa, lepas Taufiq, Hady Mirza...takde org lain...sib baik ada Indon performers, Gita Gutawa, Atcha n Irwansyah...but they did not perform as good as other Indonesians bands and singers....totally out....

Sup Tulang Merah

Balik... mkn2 carik jalan plak..ehehe....zoom to Beach Rd. What so special at this Hawker's Centre huh??? Mamak...mamak kat sini masak sumer merah babe...wa takut tgk...mee goreng mamak, nasik goreng mamak, the best part was the Sup tulang...merah giler...memula seram gak nak mkn, ni byk benor pewarna ni...takut lak wa punya abdomen ni tokleh nak terima...after few promotions by the locals...rasa la jugak...not bad huh the taste....tapi tokleh nak ulang ni..bahye....zzzz at 2.00 am

Harbour Front

Next day, pepagi lagi dah ke Harbour Front....nak catch ferry to Batam. Sempat naik 1055 hrs punya ferry. Aduih!!! Pening...ramai sungguh la org...takpe enjoy the process girl.....Sampai Batam dah ada driver tunggu nak bawak jenjalan. Gi Nagoya Hill dulu, new shopping mall ni. Ada Hyper Mart, their first ever I guess. Takde per sgt, makan je...Es Teler....wawawa...never tasted this b4, quite a different. A bit like Red Ruby...n Teh Botol...penah rasa??? Ermmm....more like Jasmine Tea with sugar...not bad..local made tea, pack in a bottle, mcm Coke dedulu...hehehe...

Es Teler

Batam Centre was another venue to stop....sebelum balik....went and grabbed few CDs...damn cheap...original CD cost me about RM13.00 jer....huahuahua.......mana nak dpt weh sini.....grabbed 7 CDs at a time...giler meroyan cekau CD. Get few POLOs and a dozen of J.Co...Panjang sungguh la org beratur kat J.Co ni...Another impressive thing that malaysian has not explore yet. Kind of Dunkin' Donut...but locally made by an Indos couple, way much better than Dunkin', I bet whoever has tasted this J.Co will say, Dunkin' is nothing to campare with.....errmm....yum..yum.........

The CDs

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another Farewell.....

Today is one of my colleagues' last day in SS&C....sounds quite often huh??? People come and go like nobody's business...but this is the fact in SS&C, especially in Sales Department. Worst thing is...I've been giving so much favour for them...helping up for few rounds of presentation before they got to know the system well, BUT unfrtunately, by the 3rd time of helping...they looks like giving people some favour for the rest of life here....restless...

Am trying to look at the postive side of it....brushing up my skills...presentation skill, answering skill, talking skill, bullshitting skill and.... taichi skill???.... still haven't manage to learn them well.....trying....learning....hey, I am still on my learning curve dude!!!