Monday, July 30, 2007

Nyonya Mener .....

Jalan2 carik makan day...its either Saturday or Sunday. Sure bibik pun suka, tak yah masak..Hari ni memulanya nak beli groceries, tapi jadi lain plak, makan kena la dulukan..ahahaha..Apa kata kita gi 1U?? Jauhnya nak gi makan... nak gi d'Curve je lebih2nya. Nak singgah Big Apple sebenarnya. Suddenly, a click came into my mind...Dah lama jugak tak makan kat Peranakan* ni. Jom kita gi Peranakan* la... nak?? Leh gak...jom!!!

Today's menu are...1) honey sotong 2) Kerabu paku 3) Omelette cencaluk 4)pandan chicken. "Takde kuah ke kita makan hari ni bu?"..."aler makan je ler...sup kat sini tak sedap ler"....ahahaha...memang not a single choice of soup yg bley saya recommend. Tak besh!! But the rest are simply yummy!!! Lupa plak nak snap every dish, lapor punya pasal...

Dessert...biase ler ice kacang...Farah yg memang sensitif ngan ice ni, den bagi can je untuk hari ni sahaja...apa lagi, pantang bagi green light (bapaknyer la ni) habih semangkuk dibelasahnyer, tak pandang kiri kanan dah. Aku daring je kat dia...dia leh offer aku lak lagi, "ibu nak rasa sket?" tanpa rasa besalah langsung. Ish!!! Yang kanan tu air saya....cincau selasih. (I just had one, recently at Ikan Bakar Bellamy, lagi extreme, mintak cincau, tapi yang datang ala2 Len Chee Kang gitu)
Takpe...takpe, mlm kang kot batuk, hang pi carik bapak hang no...hehehe...Slalunyer, bapaknyer ni, ala kadar je kalau anak sakit....semua kira, ala nanti ok ler tu...sebenarnye tak leh kurang tdo..ehehehe....Semua bapak2 di luar sana memang camni ker? Sib baik mlm ni, tak plak kedengaran kokolan Farah...huish!!! Lega la bapaknyer....kalau tidak.. kan ku tuntut suh bejaga malam...ahaksss...

Simply cozy though...

*Authentic Nyonya Cuisine @ Lot F221C, 1st Floor Promenade,1 Utama Shopping Centre

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


What do you know on the word use ; DEPRESS ?

Depress means lower someone's spirits or make downhearted. Have you ever feel this? Do you really have overcome this completely? Some people do face this, either at work, home, in a society etc. Some say, they managed to depress their depression. Really? Fully?

Its been always here with me. Not to say all the time but most of the time, lately. I believe most of us here do face the same as I am. Seriously, no cure for this in short term period. This may prolong for years if you ignore them. We can't separate mind from body and treat them individually. It has to go along together. Am trying to reduce it, in a way of doing things that can forget all the 'minus' part of my life. Hope it will help.

Listen to refreshing music, avoid negative people, volunteer & to take time off from work are some of my methodology to reduce it...Most important thing, mainly exercising...of course my gym session..does really help, I guess...

* Trying to look happy externally BUT ... you never know what is it internally...Looking forward to reaching out to supportive people and sharing feelings *

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bowling Tournaments...again and again....

Last weekend ada bowling tournament....
1) Anjuran EXSAS (my alumni)
2) Anjuran MawiFC

8th July 2007 @am

Pagi2 lagi dah berangkat ke Sunway MegaLanes. Tak sabar2 rasa nak jumpa akak2, abg2, adik2 and my batch mate kat Sunway. The prep has already started yesterday. Mcm biase, muka2 itu jugak yg membantu..Thanks guys....

Pukul 9 pagi start....Lagu SEMSAS berkemundang lagi di Sunway. Bediri bulu roma biler dengar lagu ni dinyanyikan 'out-loud' tu Dato' President, Abg Ir. Imran buat roll-off, menandakan tournament pun bermula.

We only had 30 teams this year, compared to 48 teams previous year...tapi tetap meriah, cam biase. Adik2 '96 la paling gamat. As usual menang 'Batch Paling Havoc' deserve it guys!!! Keep it up...

Team Unta Parsi Johan tahun sebelah saya ni, tapi tak gak dapat berkat, team Gajah Putih (team saya la ni) nombor 15..takpe..... separuh dari total team, tak la fail sangat. Anyway, saya dapat High Series Female (1st) & High Game Female (2nd)...huahuahuahua...walaupun jatuhan pinnyer tak la seberapa...tu la org kata 'rejeki'. Lepas buat payment kat MegaLane, kemas2 tu Endah Parade, Megalane plak..for a next tournament.

8th July 2007 @ pm
Tepat jam 1230 saya gerak ke Endah Parade, for my second tournament. Bunyi mcm hebat je, tournament sana sini...penat memang penat. Prep nyer start since Friday lagi. Tapi enjoyssss....simply b'coz of the team organizing it.

Organizing Committee

Game started at 3pm, mcm biase lmbt 1 jam, tunggu budak botak punyer pasal. Takpe la janji dia datang jugak. He suppose to be at Dubai this week, but the trip was cancelled. That's how we managed to get him for this tournament. Dia pun memang suka je kalau sebut pasal bowling. Mesti muncul punya.

Games finished at 6pm. Hahaha...guess what?? My team finished at 3rd place. Tak kusangka..punya la ramai professional bowlers main hari tu. Pin fall diorang ni slalunyer 200+ punya...seram saya...anyway...luck kot. My team pun not that bad. We did it!!! Boleh la slalu bawak team ni main mana2 tournament...yeehaaaa.

Team InsyaAllah



End of last month ada futsal tounament @ Rio d' Futsal, Subang, anjuran @15. Mcm biase team kitorang, MW Sport la sponsor. Meriah sungguh...ramai nyer la manusia. Beriyer2 sumer nak menang.
Format pertandingan, interesting... mix. Dlm padang mesti ada 2 pompuan, 3 lelaki. Tak kira la saper nak jadi goally. Tak leh rembat, tapi ikut sesuka-sesuki refree, kalau rasa nak kira goal tu, dia kira, kalau tanak kira, dia tak kira la... kalau goally pompuan memang best, totally NO 'REMBAT'...memang tak dikira. But still ikut suka refree. Hampeh gak ler kengkadang..tak rembat pun kata rembat...agaknye goally tu CUN sgt kot..refree tak sampai hati...tak pun dah kena kenyit 2/3 kali..cair ler...ahahaha...

Anyway, our team berjaya smp ke 2nd round aje..tapi takper, d' excitement tu yang paling penting...being in the team tu yg best... rawks!!!

Friday, July 06, 2007


Ahahaha.....guess what is the meaning of my topic today. Semalam cuti...bwk baby 'potong cinon'..Agak2 leh tau tak?? Some people sebut camtu...To be exact.. Cinon means..toot...Farah calls it as Kute` ahaha...

He is only 9 mths exactly today (6 July 2007)...after few rounds of visiting the GP & urine test..we found out that he has urine infection..most antibiotics can't kill this 'gangstarz' bacteria, called 'KLEBSIELLA SPP.'(nak sebut pun tak reti) Doctors outhere ... help me say it... to stop this...he has to do this 'circumcision' org melayu kata 'sunatkan aje'..bahasa sopan sikit..' khatan'... ish!!! dah masuk jawi dah anak saya...

Tengok ni..betapa gembiranya muka masuk hospital...dia blom tau lagi tu..balik dari Operation Theatre....nurse nak hantar kat wad..wad kat ujung sini leh dengar suara dia nangis kat lif ujung sana....adeih la..sian tol tgknyer...tak tau ler sakit ke lapar ke..maklumla kena puasa 6 kata bius tu leh tahan 4 jam.

Kat PUSRAWI...uhuhuhu..

Tough gak anak den ni....lepas bg susu, tido..dah tak nangis dah lepas tu sampai la skang...(like mother like son) hehehe...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Frustated.....but GREAT (part 2)

People says...What goes around, comes around....I am not glad nor happy..but keep on thinking..does this phrase is really happening???

Tak payah bomb bilik dia.....U guess what had happened????? Lets see this below picture. Never appeared in any newspapers, not even in the news..wonder what happened, only in this chinese newspaper..

The rammed M5 (newly bought, somewhere in April 2007)

Happened on 28 July 2007....early morning @ Federal Highway, somewhere near Subang area. A 42 year old Indian guy (escaped with mild injury), with 2 Indian ladies, and believed that the 2 ladies were seriously injured.. Firewoker has to cut the car to get them out.....