Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Aqiqah ... Fareedz

Sunday....buat aqiqah cum cukoq jambul Fareedz. Dah masuk 11 bulan baru nak buat cukoq jambul ni. Sebanarnyer nak buat aqiqah je..tapi org2 tua ni nak gak buat main cukur2 jambul ni. Layan kan aje ler...Marhabannyer start pukul 10.45 pagi. Lepas abih marhaban, bermula la acara cukur jambul....passed thru makcik2 yg marhaban ni untuk dipotongkan sorang sikit rambut Fareedz ni. Almaklumlah org dah paham, aper lagi, meronta2 la tidak kemahuan untuk diguntingkan rambutnyer yg berjambul ala2 P.Ramlee tu...(ahahahaha)

Sorry...gambar acara ni tadork..cameraman yg kununnyer nak gerak dari Sri Kembangan lepas subuh, tidak kelihatan sampai ler pukul doblas lebih (kira utang besar ni). Masa ni org dah start bertahlil. Rasa besalah ke haper (kata Ojai ler), dok sibuk ambik gambor org baca yasin tak habih2 ....imam, pokcik2 tu mesti heran, tak penah dibuat org pun ngambik gambor tgh org bertahlil...agaknyer ler...dlm hati..huih glamer pakcik hah, masuk sok kabar gamaknyer...ahaks!!!

Pastu, sumer gi ler carik makan..ramai-ramai !!! Sindri angkat la ye..buffet style, pakcik2, makcik2 yg tak biase..bwk2 la biasekan yer!! Habis makan, kengkawan den ni masuk ler rumah, lepak2....jurugambar (yg lambat ni) mcm biase tak habih2 mengambik gambor...Fareedz tadak mood, sakit pewot...muntah2 lagi..dpt ler shot2 yg tak beh tu..jadi la daripada takde.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Merdeka !!! Merdeka !!! Kak Ita !!!

Merdeka nite....takde la plak plan nak jadi patriotik sangat. Takde ler teman nak pegi menaymbutnyer kat Dataran Merdeka nu....tak kose la den berhimpit2 ngan Indon2 yg tolong meraikan merdeka kita ni. Tapi malam ni dah plan nak sambut birthday Kak Ita (the one & only best president ever...kes bodek baeekkk punyer ni...tapi memang btol pun). Birthday dia memang on the 31st August pun.

Tgh tunggu 'pengantin' la ni

Plan dengan bebudak ni, nak wat surpsise party kununyer....tapi selepas diselidik2, husband nyer kata nak balik kg mlm tu gak... Aduhss..hancoq plan gwe....tapi enggak apa2 dong, husband nyer dah di kowtim..bisa diatur dong....Husband nyer akan bawak terus ke Nailis, sebelum balik kg....bagus gak abang ni...layan gak kitorang....

Ramai2 tunggu kat Ampang Point, janji lepas maghrib, 745pm....semua dah ada kat situ, 'pengantin' tak sampai2 plak..lambat...jalan jem....

Yang drebar nye (hubby dia ler) plak fail.....dah smp ampang..tak tau plak kat maner Nailis....ditanye plak kat 'pengantin' kat mana Nailis...errrmmmm...hampessss...pecah lobang ler....'pengantin' pun dah tau ler. Takpe la...janji leh selebret sesamer....

Naik tkgt atas Nailis dgn kek (resepi rahsia) Dgn selamber badak, buat Nailis tu mcm abah den yg punya, nyanyi eppy b'dei` reramai..sekuat2nyer....ada plak yg sporting menyambung....well done ler !!!! Muka merah2 gak akak sorang ni..maklum ler anak2 selebretkan birthday yg ke 40 lebihan ni...ehehhee.....


Guess what...makan malam tu touched dot dot dot hengget... takper la...Kak ita nyer pasal, yg tak penah bekira ngan anak2 buahnnyer ni...manjang sponsor, selagi mampu....

Birthday Mommy

Anyway Kak Ita...Selamat Panjang Umur & sentiasa dirahmati dan dimurahkan rezeki....AMIN !!!


Monday, August 27, 2007

Treasure Hunt .... KL - Ipoh - K.Kangsar

Organized by MWSB. First time join ni... My team 1) Jue-drebar 2)Along-Navigator 3)me - hunter 4)Ja-Hunter. Naik Toyota Passo (cewah..v-mesia la tapinyer). I think ade 40+ cars joined. Not bad huh?
My Team - Bumblebee

Best jugak ler sebenornyer. Maklum ler...makcik baru first taim ni join bebudak ni mencarik rete karun ni. Idok ler karun benor rete nyer....ala kadar jerk. Muehehehehe...Started at Sheraton Imperial, KL @ 8.00. 1st qtn was at Tanjung Malim.... to Tapah to Slim River... to Sungai Siput to Kuala Kangsar back to Ipoh. Ada 40 soklan tak silapnyer termasuklah clue2 untuk mendapatkan rete karun tu.

Mencarik Rete la nih
Sampai last check point...kat Hotel ler pukul 3.45pm. Lepas submit benda2 tu semua, berehat ler kami sebentar di Heritage Hotel tu. Perghhh!!! Mender la hotel gini bagi. Hampesss koyok sungguh.

Baru sampai
Lepas Maghrib sumer kumpul balik kat lobby, ready for dinner. Sponsored by Lost World of Tambun (LWOT). Makan kat situ ler gamaknyer.... Lepas sumer berucap, Mawi nyanyi se, dua lagu, masa yg ditunggu2, jawapan2nyer diberitahu. Lastly, prize giving ceremony.....YES!!! YES!!! We won...8th place jer out of 40 over cars. Ok la tu kan?? 1st timer la katakan... dpt ler cincin berlian sponsored by Habib Jewel dan voucher penginapan Holiday Villa Langkawi...hahahaha...berbaloi gak den....

Lobby Heritage

Esoknyer, after breakfast, gi LWOT, maklum ler entrance free, diorang sponsor gak. Bosan gak ye...takde mender sgt pun sini. 2 jam penat beratur je, dah habih sumer kita merasa. Apa lagi mari kita sewa volleyball...layan volleyball 1 jam...mak aihhh.....hitam bekilat dah ni. Takotttt tgk muka sindri kat cermin....sesaper yg tenampak den dlm 2 / 3 minggu ni...jgn tekejut plak...den la tu...ahaksss....

Kekasih gelapku...

Back to KL around 6+ sampai KL 8+. The traffic was not that bad..ada la slow2 sket, kete rosak ler... lane tutup .... tu jer... in sum.... it was really fun beb ....

Ni ler treasures nyer

Antara jawapan2nye :
1) Bernam Jaya, Gerbang ...
2) Beghok
3) Kicap Tamin
4) Tai Pan
5) Kuasaman etc

Muahahahaha !!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

... the old same family day ....

Family day....this company has been in Malaysia 11 years as for now. But we only had our 2nd family day. The boring part the same old place over and over again.....GUOMAN...what a family day...Anyways, everything was paid for, inclusive of transportation allowance dalam bracket duit tol ngan duit minyak pun dapat ler....

Beach Volley...

Nothing special...except the beach volley which was the only thing that I was looking forward to. Hehehe..... my team won, won and won... boring jugak kalau asyik menang ni. Takde competition, tak mencabar (dlm nada belagak)... kwang3x. Next was the telematch and prize giving. Penat je saya tarik tali tu bagai nak rak (tug of war la) ..takde hadiah pung....sumer dapat hadiah yg same....ler.... usual BBQ..nothing special + the old daging kambing...pakai kapak pun lom tentu leh putus daging ni....aduih.... While dinner'ing (ahaks) there was a 'appreciation ceremony' ....I had this crystal plaque with my name engraved on it ... 'Most valued team member' ...cewah.....lom ambik gambar lagi...nanti saya upload yer !!!!

Farah was playing around the pond near the BBQ area...meniti2 di tepi2nya.... Udah ku panggil...tidak dipedulikkannyer... after a few minutes.. I heard 'debush'......she got his leg in it...sib baik.....

Next morning after breakfast, Farah balas dendam swimming, dari semalamnyer dok merengek, tapi ibu nak tido jap..smp la telematch start. After an hour swimming, I had to make her stop...ada treasure hunt lak.... Mcm biasa our team won again...while waiting for the other teams to finish...lepak2 jap kat pool side cafe`..... Again Farah dok main tepi2 pond tu.....after few rounds of nagging...suddenly I heard... this time is 'BEDEBUSH !!!'

She got her whole body inside now!! Den siap tepuk tangan lagi...takmoh dgr ckp den lagi.....dia tak nangis, tapi air mata meleleh....uiks!!! Dia ni susah sket nak nangis unless it is really painful...kalau setakat luka2 tu, no hal la.... She was holding her chin...I went and god it was really a deep cut... putih je kat situ, ini isi ke haper ni? Seram sejuk plak den tgk....I hold the whole cut, nak tahan darah la kununnyer..... Went and get the first tu suh gi klinik....just do kinda glue stitch....dan2 tu la jugak dia barai kat situ....bukan pasal sakit, pasal takut kena jahit...bila tanyer sakit tak?? Hai....tau2 le jawapannye...'tak sakit' takut punya pasal.....

Ni la ropernyer.....

Frustated.....but GREAT (part 3)

Remember I showed U the xcdent somewhere in Federal Hi-way last July? The totally rammed M5 now has a new look....

Previous one was in Black... change it to grey get rid of the bad Feng Shui...ahahha... "My dear...we are back to 10 cars again !!! "

Wonder how the replacement can get done in less than a month. Wonder also, that really bad xcident never even shown in any of our local news nor newspapers ????

People say ... when you got 'pitih' ...anything can happen !!!!

flash back .............................

The Black Old M5

Friday, August 10, 2007

~ u.N.G.u ~

Last minute deicided nak gi The Ruums !!! Of course for Ungu concert. Yeeahaaaaa!!! Best giler. Sampai lambat la plak. Time2 mcm ni la ada plak system problem kat client site. Aduhss!!! Dah janji nak tggu kol 8.00. Concert start pukul 8.30pm. Pkl 8 ada lagi kat ofice. Naya kena marah ni kang...10 minute smp KL dari Ofice. The Ruums.

Mak aih!!! Ramai btol org Mesia nak tgk Indon ye....termasuk la saya...ahaks!!! Sampai je sana, Shi dah tunggu dgn tiket nyer. Terus masuk, NewBoys tengah perform, next was Sofaz...Not really keen in watching them. Last song by Sofaz, gitarist Ungu masuk...yeah tu dia..ONCI....waduh!!! waduh!! Ganteng banget dong!!! Ish!!! Terpengaruh lak den ngan Indon2 ni.

ONCI - Guitarist

Pasha (Vocalist)

After that baru ler diorang masuk....Pasha, Enda, Onci, Makki, dan Rowman . And there you go, the crowd went crazy, bukan Indon2 tu aje, orang Mesia ni yg lebih. Mcm histeria tgk PASHA & ONCI tu (saya pun sama ...tapi tahap normal lagiks..ahaks!!!) They were actually launching their 5th album, 'Untuk Selamanya'. Really enjoy their music!! Simply fantastic!!!

Tapi yg tak bestnyer, knowing the uncivilised Indonesian workers whom also in the Ruums, really make me sick!!! Memang patut pun kena buat concert2 Indon ni kat padang2 terbuka....over le plak...macam diorang punya show dibuatnya. Lemas dgn asap rokok diorang tu..ada sket ke'NGOK'kan la. But neways, in short....they are just GREAT !!
* That were the best shots that I can get from far by my N95.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Makan2 time lagi. This week tak gi jejauh sangat .... Alpha Angle Wangsa Maju. Naper ler ramai benor org ni? Mak aku penah cakap ramainyer oramg macam ulat tai*..ehehe...sampai nak jalan pun tak leh, jem giler ngan manusia....Takde plan pun nak pegi maner. But the most important thing was to bring both of them jenjalan. Since nak gi beli barang2 sket, plus malas nak gi jejauh lagi, decided to go to Alpha Angle, leh ler bawak si Farah ni gi memain kat saner. 'Ade ke?' Ada amusement centre kat atas tu, bley ler, tak ler grand benor. Ok...jom je ler.

Sampai sana, nampak pulak baju baby on sale. Memandangkan blom start shopping baju raya bebudak ni, stop ler kejap nak tgk2 aje. Farah dah merengek2 suh cepat....nak gi memain ler. Memang dia tau main objective today nak bwk dia gi memain...."jap ler...tgk baju Fareedz jap".

After I got few pieces for Fareedz, pegi lak carik barang2 dapur sket. Member sdah resah tak tantu arah...hehehe....After dah beli barang2 sket, perut pun dah lapar...makan dulu jom!!! Member lagi la tak senang duduk..tapi biler tgk makanan ni..dia mcm OK sket, biaser ler Farah ni memang pantang tgk udang....secukupnyer dia belasah...

Dah habis sumer makan, tgk jam..alermerkkk...dah nak dekat pkl 5pm...baba ada hal plak...kena balik awal...'Lain kali ler kita pegi ye???' 'Ala...Farah nak gi main'. 'Baba nak cepat la..nanti ye?' After 1 time pujuk she is back to OK. 1 thing that I can see in Farah is the patient inside her. She comforted herself by saying....'takpe, malam karang kalau boleh, ibu pun boleh bawak kan?'...I was really touched by her words...Tapi by Maghrib, dia pun dah lalok, sebab petang tadi tak sempat tido. I'll find time for her 1 of these nights....promise!!!


Makan2 time lagi. This week tak gi jejauh sangat .... Alpha Angle Wangsa Maju. Naper ler ramai benor org ni? Mak aku penah cakap ramainyer oramg macam ulat tai*..ehehe...sampai nak jalan pun tak leh, jem giler ngan manusia....Takde plan pun nak pegi maner. But the most important thing was to bring both of them jenjalan. Since nak gi beli barang2 sket, plus malas nak gi jejauh lagi, decided to go to Alpha Angle, leh ler bawak si Farah ni gi memain kat saner. 'Ade ke?' Ada amusement centre kat atas tu, bley ler, tak ler grand benor. Ok...jom je ler.

Sampai sana, nampak pulak baju baby on sale. Memandangkan blom start shopping baju raya bebudak ni, stop ler kejap nak tgk2 aje. Farah dah merengek2 suh cepat....nak gi memain ler. Memang dia tau 'main objective today' nak bwk dia gi memain...."jap ler...tgk baju Fareedz jap".

After I got few pieces for Fareedz, pegi lak carik barang2 dapur sket. Member bertambah resah, tak tantu arah...hehehe....After dah beli barang2 sket, perut pun dah lapar...makan dulu jom!!! Member lagi la tak senang duduk..tapi biler tgk makanan ni..dia mcm OK sket, biaser ler Farah ni memang pantang tgk udang....secukupnyer dia belasah...


Fareedz dok aim rupernyer

Ngaaap !!! Habis jumbo tu dia belasah....jadi la tak dpt prawn, jumbo pun boley la....

Dah habis sumer makan, tgk jam..alermerkkk...dah nak dekat pkl 5pm...baba ada hal plak...kena balik awal...'Lain kali ler kita pegi ye???' 'Ala...Farah nak gi main'. 'Baba nak cepat la..nanti ye?' After 1 time pujuk she was back to OK. 1 thing that I can see in Farah is the patience inside her. She comforted herself by saying....'takpe, malam karang kalau boleh, ibu pun boleh bawak kan?'...I was really touched by her words...Tapi by Maghrib, dia pun dah lalok, sebab petang tadi tak sempat tido. I'll find time for her 1 of these nights....promise!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Nyonya Mener .....

Jalan2 carik makan day...its either Saturday or Sunday. Sure bibik pun suka, tak yah masak..Hari ni memulanya nak beli groceries, tapi jadi lain plak, makan kena la dulukan..ahahaha..Apa kata kita gi 1U?? Jauhnya nak gi makan... nak gi d'Curve je lebih2nya. Nak singgah Big Apple sebenarnya. Suddenly, a click came into my mind...Dah lama jugak tak makan kat Peranakan* ni. Jom kita gi Peranakan* la... nak?? Leh gak...jom!!!

Today's menu are...1) honey sotong 2) Kerabu paku 3) Omelette cencaluk 4)pandan chicken. "Takde kuah ke kita makan hari ni bu?"..."aler makan je ler...sup kat sini tak sedap ler"....ahahaha...memang not a single choice of soup yg bley saya recommend. Tak besh!! But the rest are simply yummy!!! Lupa plak nak snap every dish, lapor punya pasal...

Dessert...biase ler ice kacang...Farah yg memang sensitif ngan ice ni, den bagi can je untuk hari ni sahaja...apa lagi, pantang bagi green light (bapaknyer la ni) habih semangkuk dibelasahnyer, tak pandang kiri kanan dah. Aku daring je kat dia...dia leh offer aku lak lagi, "ibu nak rasa sket?" tanpa rasa besalah langsung. Ish!!! Yang kanan tu air saya....cincau selasih. (I just had one, recently at Ikan Bakar Bellamy, lagi extreme, mintak cincau, tapi yang datang ala2 Len Chee Kang gitu)
Takpe...takpe, mlm kang kot batuk, hang pi carik bapak hang no...hehehe...Slalunyer, bapaknyer ni, ala kadar je kalau anak sakit....semua kira, ala nanti ok ler tu...sebenarnye tak leh kurang tdo..ehehehe....Semua bapak2 di luar sana memang camni ker? Sib baik mlm ni, tak plak kedengaran kokolan Farah...huish!!! Lega la bapaknyer....kalau tidak.. kan ku tuntut suh bejaga malam...ahaksss...

Simply cozy though...

*Authentic Nyonya Cuisine @ Lot F221C, 1st Floor Promenade,1 Utama Shopping Centre

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


What do you know on the word use ; DEPRESS ?

Depress means lower someone's spirits or make downhearted. Have you ever feel this? Do you really have overcome this completely? Some people do face this, either at work, home, in a society etc. Some say, they managed to depress their depression. Really? Fully?

Its been always here with me. Not to say all the time but most of the time, lately. I believe most of us here do face the same as I am. Seriously, no cure for this in short term period. This may prolong for years if you ignore them. We can't separate mind from body and treat them individually. It has to go along together. Am trying to reduce it, in a way of doing things that can forget all the 'minus' part of my life. Hope it will help.

Listen to refreshing music, avoid negative people, volunteer & to take time off from work are some of my methodology to reduce it...Most important thing, mainly exercising...of course my gym session..does really help, I guess...

* Trying to look happy externally BUT ... you never know what is it internally...Looking forward to reaching out to supportive people and sharing feelings *

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bowling Tournaments...again and again....

Last weekend ada bowling tournament....
1) Anjuran EXSAS (my alumni)
2) Anjuran MawiFC

8th July 2007 @am

Pagi2 lagi dah berangkat ke Sunway MegaLanes. Tak sabar2 rasa nak jumpa akak2, abg2, adik2 and my batch mate kat Sunway. The prep has already started yesterday. Mcm biase, muka2 itu jugak yg membantu..Thanks guys....

Pukul 9 pagi start....Lagu SEMSAS berkemundang lagi di Sunway. Bediri bulu roma biler dengar lagu ni dinyanyikan 'out-loud' tu Dato' President, Abg Ir. Imran buat roll-off, menandakan tournament pun bermula.

We only had 30 teams this year, compared to 48 teams previous year...tapi tetap meriah, cam biase. Adik2 '96 la paling gamat. As usual menang 'Batch Paling Havoc' deserve it guys!!! Keep it up...

Team Unta Parsi Johan tahun sebelah saya ni, tapi tak gak dapat berkat, team Gajah Putih (team saya la ni) nombor 15..takpe..... separuh dari total team, tak la fail sangat. Anyway, saya dapat High Series Female (1st) & High Game Female (2nd)...huahuahuahua...walaupun jatuhan pinnyer tak la seberapa...tu la org kata 'rejeki'. Lepas buat payment kat MegaLane, kemas2 tu Endah Parade, Megalane plak..for a next tournament.

8th July 2007 @ pm
Tepat jam 1230 saya gerak ke Endah Parade, for my second tournament. Bunyi mcm hebat je, tournament sana sini...penat memang penat. Prep nyer start since Friday lagi. Tapi enjoyssss....simply b'coz of the team organizing it.

Organizing Committee

Game started at 3pm, mcm biase lmbt 1 jam, tunggu budak botak punyer pasal. Takpe la janji dia datang jugak. He suppose to be at Dubai this week, but the trip was cancelled. That's how we managed to get him for this tournament. Dia pun memang suka je kalau sebut pasal bowling. Mesti muncul punya.

Games finished at 6pm. Hahaha...guess what?? My team finished at 3rd place. Tak kusangka..punya la ramai professional bowlers main hari tu. Pin fall diorang ni slalunyer 200+ punya...seram saya...anyway...luck kot. My team pun not that bad. We did it!!! Boleh la slalu bawak team ni main mana2 tournament...yeehaaaa.

Team InsyaAllah



End of last month ada futsal tounament @ Rio d' Futsal, Subang, anjuran @15. Mcm biase team kitorang, MW Sport la sponsor. Meriah sungguh...ramai nyer la manusia. Beriyer2 sumer nak menang.
Format pertandingan, interesting... mix. Dlm padang mesti ada 2 pompuan, 3 lelaki. Tak kira la saper nak jadi goally. Tak leh rembat, tapi ikut sesuka-sesuki refree, kalau rasa nak kira goal tu, dia kira, kalau tanak kira, dia tak kira la... kalau goally pompuan memang best, totally NO 'REMBAT'...memang tak dikira. But still ikut suka refree. Hampeh gak ler kengkadang..tak rembat pun kata rembat...agaknye goally tu CUN sgt kot..refree tak sampai hati...tak pun dah kena kenyit 2/3 kali..cair ler...ahahaha...

Anyway, our team berjaya smp ke 2nd round aje..tapi takper, d' excitement tu yang paling penting...being in the team tu yg best... rawks!!!

Friday, July 06, 2007


Ahahaha.....guess what is the meaning of my topic today. Semalam cuti...bwk baby 'potong cinon'..Agak2 leh tau tak?? Some people sebut camtu...To be exact.. Cinon means..toot...Farah calls it as Kute` ahaha...

He is only 9 mths exactly today (6 July 2007)...after few rounds of visiting the GP & urine test..we found out that he has urine infection..most antibiotics can't kill this 'gangstarz' bacteria, called 'KLEBSIELLA SPP.'(nak sebut pun tak reti) Doctors outhere ... help me say it... to stop this...he has to do this 'circumcision' org melayu kata 'sunatkan aje'..bahasa sopan sikit..' khatan'... ish!!! dah masuk jawi dah anak saya...

Tengok ni..betapa gembiranya muka masuk hospital...dia blom tau lagi tu..balik dari Operation Theatre....nurse nak hantar kat wad..wad kat ujung sini leh dengar suara dia nangis kat lif ujung sana....adeih la..sian tol tgknyer...tak tau ler sakit ke lapar ke..maklumla kena puasa 6 kata bius tu leh tahan 4 jam.

Kat PUSRAWI...uhuhuhu..

Tough gak anak den ni....lepas bg susu, tido..dah tak nangis dah lepas tu sampai la skang...(like mother like son) hehehe...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Frustated.....but GREAT (part 2)

People says...What goes around, comes around....I am not glad nor happy..but keep on thinking..does this phrase is really happening???

Tak payah bomb bilik dia.....U guess what had happened????? Lets see this below picture. Never appeared in any newspapers, not even in the news..wonder what happened, only in this chinese newspaper..

The rammed M5 (newly bought, somewhere in April 2007)

Happened on 28 July 2007....early morning @ Federal Highway, somewhere near Subang area. A 42 year old Indian guy (escaped with mild injury), with 2 Indian ladies, and believed that the 2 ladies were seriously injured.. Firewoker has to cut the car to get them out.....

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bowling .....

Last minute to register with EBIFC bowling tournament. Memula nak antar 1 team je, tapi ramai plak yang teringin nak main. Formed another team. Nak gi register, dah penuh lak lane. Huhuhu...camne ni, diorang dah on the way. Takpe la, bagi la can abg2 yang terror ni main. Kalau aku yang tak terror ni main, kalah la jawabnyer.

3 games per person. Apsal brother2 ni tak perform hari ni? Selalu 200+ je points nye. Ni nak cecah 170 pun payah. Jenguk2 opponent sebelah...errmmm...patut pun..sumernyer ala-ala average aje. setakat lebih sikit dari 100. Low profile kunun. Takmoh tinggal kengkawan jejauh. Prihatin sungguh...patut lemau je diorang main....

Meh..tengok result diorang...Bro Salmy ni je yang lepas 200. Yang lenglain memang averagenye 150 - 160 aje...tapi disebabkan orang lain tak ler berapa kitorang ni tamat dengan KEJUARAAN GILANG GEMILANG. 1st placing in team and individual....bro Salmy la tu...saper lagi. heh !!!

Punya lama nak tunggu penyampaian hadiah..ada lagi 4 team lom habis. Tunggu lepas sejam baru diorang habih...penat tunggu hadiah..sekali dapat...HAMPER je...sian diorang...anyway...had fun dengan bebudak fan club lain...especially lane sebelah da vom (da' voice of Mila), happening giler bebudak ni...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Futsal Dangdut

Lama dah stop berfutsal ni. Usually everyweek mesti ada satu hari scheduled for futsal. Ntah la, mebbe sumer bz kot. Since end of this month ada tournament, kena la jugak menggagahkan diri untuk turun training (bunyi cam terror je, idok ler terror maner pun). Dah book untuk esok sekali, tapi melihatkan keadaan hari ni yg tak smp seploh org dtg.....ada kemungkinan ni esok, separuh pengsan lagi.

Futsal Dangdut ni, tak ler canggih mana pun, carpetnyer pun smp dah terbukak2, takde org wat maintenance ke haper, tapi harga nye kalau weekend, lagi mahal dari Sport Planet. Tapi, masih ramai gak yg nak gi sini. I think it is just because of the side entertainment yang ada kat sini kot. Ada karaoke kat sini, so called Open Karaoke kat kedai depan ni. Sape main kat pitch last mesti takleh concentrate, ramai benor immigrant2 dok nyanyi lagu2 kampung diorang kat sini.

Oleh sebab itu jugak ler , kitorang panggil futsal centre ni FUTSAL DANGDUT. Yang datang nyanyi nyer kat karaoke ni, Indon2, pakcik2, makcik2 dan abg2 'Persatuan Pemandu Teksi Kuala Lumpur' gamaknyer. Aduh!!! asik ler dgr lagu ala-ala Roma Irama....kwang3x. Yang pastinyer, tokey karaoke tu, selalunyer syok sendiri, siap joget pocho-pocho lak kat tgh laman tuh.....hish!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Report Card

Last weekend, time to collect Farah's Report Card, after her 1st semester's exam. Bebudak skang ni, tadika pun dah kena dtg ambik report card. Ingat lagi masa aku skoloh tadika dedolu....takde plak sibuk mak bapak aku datang nak collect report card, what so call Parents/Teachers Day. Whoaaa.....macam nak ambik result SPM la plak queue nyer, kengkonon nak discuss pasal progress anak2....don't U think it's a bit too far from her SPM's year...hahaha....very the kuno thinking huh?? Kekekeke....

Discuss punya discuss dgn all the teachers, until I stopped at one subject...SCIENCE, skolah tadika pung blaja science, tapi yang peliknye peksa darjah 6 tu takde la plak subjek science yang nak di'assess'nyer. Si Farah ni cuma dapat 96% aje, the reason being was, 1st page, cikgunye suh tulis 1) Full Name; 2) Class; 3) School; 4) Embition ..... she wrote up to number 3... (obviously it was not bcoz of the spelling, but she really didn't know what was it I guess) BUT as for you guys??? Do you know what to answer for no 4) ???? Hehehe.... I have to excuse the teacher...kindergarten teacher... trying to ignore but irritating can't expect so much from them? Nope..nope..nope..people pay maaaa...and yet so expensive !!!

Went to another station, SMART READER..... Cikgu ni pun trying to explain... she is (Farah) bla..bla..bla... Then, aku pun tanyer, which level she is now? Which book yang U all guna, never seen the book at home anyway. Dgn bangganya dia tunjuk, we finished her 1st & 2nd level which covered 3 letter words, and she is now moving to 3rd level, (while showing all the words in the book) where 4 letter words (oopsss not that 4 letter words yeah!!!) .... and pointed to the words.....1) push; 2) bush and guess what??? She pronounced it as 'bash' (pronounce it in Malay please) huhuhuhu.....this is too much, Smart Reader's teacher can't really read and pronounce properly......sad....sad...sad.... kena report ngan principal ni.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Yeeehaaaa ... managed to get the Donuts - Big Apple' it from The Curve of course...there's no where U can find it yet, except The Curve. Sib baik ada kengkawan yg baik hati nak belikan...

A lil bit dissapointed though....I only tasted the Green Tea as of now...not as good as J.CO's, not too much on the toppings...but the texture of the donut itself. I can say, J.Co's are so much softer n fluffier (excuse my word!! Not suppose to use for food huh??).They are just way too far to compare with J.Co's. I dunno!!! Mebbe I need to taste more of the donuts...Hey!!! Give them a break girl!!!... As for all donuts lovers??? Your thought??? Please don't put dunkin in this group, that is nothing to compare with.... J.Co vs Big Apple vs KrispyKreme??? Hermm....

Big Apple vs. KrispyKreme vs. J.Co

Haven't tried the coffee yet, there in Big Apple. J.Co's coffee?? Not bad...not bad at all...sure you can't compare with the main coffee houses like Starbuck and Coffee Bean....but in short they are nice...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Word of Wisdom ....

When U're successful, your well wishers know who you are

When U're UNsuccessful, U know who your well wishers are

Frustated.....but GREAT

Making a big ~SIGH~ after my hard work, I better call it as my smart work, when people do not know how to appreciate it, nor look at it, worst still, dunno anything about it but too much comments on it, -ve side of it, of course!!! Kinda demote me... Arrghh!!! So what !!! Do I really care on what people has in their mind and what they wanna say or have to say?? Let it be...anyhow, anyways it won't stop me from moving forward, ahead, and definitely be better than before..... at least I know what I've done, the satisfaction of achieving it ..... is just GREAT !!! ....

Rasa nak bom je bilik ni....ada sape2 nak jadi terrorist, leh ler apply ngan saya..hehehe :-)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Thought of the day ....

Watch your thougths, for they become words
Choose your words, for they become actions
Understand your actions, for they become habits
Study your habits, for they become your character
Develop your character
For they become your destiny ....

Down to Singapore & Batam

Catching up with the 815 flight to S'pore....aduh sebelum subuh dah kuar umah.....smp airport sempat gak breakfast....enjoyed breakfast too much I guess, smp org buat last call pun tak perasan..ish..ish..ish....

Orchard Hotel

Smp hotel about 11 ++...lepak jap...pastu off tu jln2 carik makan....errmmm...nachos + Jumbo Combo @ Hard Rock.......impressive...too much though for 4...nak masuk dessert pun tak muat....tgk je la Hot Fudge Sundae orang ..

Mlm we were ready for the Indoor Stadium, S'pore...huhuhu...the crowd was not that great....biase la community kat S'pore ni kan.. it was a malay programme...mana ada kaum2 lain nak tumpang sekaki...anyway, nothing special at this APM...nothing extra ordinary. Performers nya pun...lepas awak, saya.... lepas saya, awak la ye...hahaha...balik2 Taufiq Batisa, lepas Taufiq, Hady Mirza...takde org lain...sib baik ada Indon performers, Gita Gutawa, Atcha n Irwansyah...but they did not perform as good as other Indonesians bands and singers....totally out....

Sup Tulang Merah

Balik... mkn2 carik jalan plak..ehehe....zoom to Beach Rd. What so special at this Hawker's Centre huh??? Mamak...mamak kat sini masak sumer merah babe...wa takut tgk...mee goreng mamak, nasik goreng mamak, the best part was the Sup tulang...merah giler...memula seram gak nak mkn, ni byk benor pewarna ni...takut lak wa punya abdomen ni tokleh nak terima...after few promotions by the locals...rasa la jugak...not bad huh the taste....tapi tokleh nak ulang ni..bahye....zzzz at 2.00 am

Harbour Front

Next day, pepagi lagi dah ke Harbour Front....nak catch ferry to Batam. Sempat naik 1055 hrs punya ferry. Aduih!!! Pening...ramai sungguh la org...takpe enjoy the process girl.....Sampai Batam dah ada driver tunggu nak bawak jenjalan. Gi Nagoya Hill dulu, new shopping mall ni. Ada Hyper Mart, their first ever I guess. Takde per sgt, makan je...Es Teler....wawawa...never tasted this b4, quite a different. A bit like Red Ruby...n Teh Botol...penah rasa??? Ermmm....more like Jasmine Tea with sugar...not bad..local made tea, pack in a bottle, mcm Coke dedulu...hehehe...

Es Teler

Batam Centre was another venue to stop....sebelum balik....went and grabbed few CDs...damn cheap...original CD cost me about RM13.00 jer....huahuahua.......mana nak dpt weh sini.....grabbed 7 CDs at a time...giler meroyan cekau CD. Get few POLOs and a dozen of J.Co...Panjang sungguh la org beratur kat J.Co ni...Another impressive thing that malaysian has not explore yet. Kind of Dunkin' Donut...but locally made by an Indos couple, way much better than Dunkin', I bet whoever has tasted this J.Co will say, Dunkin' is nothing to campare with.....errmm....yum..yum.........

The CDs