Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Frustated.....but GREAT (part 3)

Remember I showed U the xcdent somewhere in Federal Hi-way last July? The totally rammed M5 now has a new look....

Previous one was in Black... change it to grey please....to get rid of the bad Feng Shui...ahahha... "My dear...we are back to 10 cars again !!! "

Wonder how the replacement can get done in less than a month. Wonder also, that really bad xcident never even shown in any of our local news nor newspapers ????

People say ... when you got 'pitih' ...anything can happen !!!!

flash back .............................

The Black Old M5


Anonymous said...

Sebijik mcm keta abg saya yg akan kuar 2 hari lagi...
Hampess la abg ku ini... Meracun adik dia yg sangap tak berduit pakai BMW...

p/s: BMW baby.... Aku akan lenjan ko sebelum umur aku 40... Sabar yek...


nonie said...

Memang takde beza M5 dgn 5 series BM kalau dari mata kasar...tapi harga banyak beza dik oiii....performance car dgn kete biase tokleh ler nak disamakan...
5 series baru 300k+ M5 ni 900k+ kalau tak, takkan ler road tax nak dekat 12k...

Pakcik kayo !!!!