Tuesday, August 21, 2007

... the old same family day ....

Family day....this company has been in Malaysia 11 years as for now. But we only had our 2nd family day. The boring part is....at the same old place over and over again.....GUOMAN...what a family day...Anyways, everything was paid for, inclusive of transportation allowance dalam bracket duit tol ngan duit minyak pun dapat ler....

Beach Volley...

Nothing special...except the beach volley which was the only thing that I was looking forward to. Hehehe..... my team won, won and won... boring jugak kalau asyik menang ni. Takde competition, tak mencabar (dlm nada belagak)... kwang3x. Next was the telematch and prize giving. Penat je saya tarik tali tu bagai nak rak (tug of war la) ..takde hadiah pung....sumer dapat hadiah yg same....ler....

Dinner...as usual BBQ..nothing special + the old daging kambing...pakai kapak pun lom tentu leh putus daging ni....aduih.... While dinner'ing (ahaks) there was a 'appreciation ceremony' ....I had this crystal plaque with my name engraved on it ... 'Most valued team member' ...cewah.....lom ambik gambar lagi...nanti saya upload yer !!!!

Farah was playing around the pond near the BBQ area...meniti2 di tepi2nya.... Udah ku panggil...tidak dipedulikkannyer... after a few minutes.. I heard 'debush'......she got his leg in it...sib baik.....

Next morning after breakfast, Farah balas dendam swimming, dari semalamnyer dok merengek, tapi ibu nak tido jap..smp la telematch start. After an hour swimming, I had to make her stop...ada treasure hunt lak.... Mcm biasa our team won again...while waiting for the other teams to finish...lepak2 jap kat pool side cafe`..... Again Farah dok main tepi2 pond tu.....after few rounds of nagging...suddenly I heard... this time is 'BEDEBUSH !!!'

She got her whole body inside now!! Den siap tepuk tangan lagi...takmoh dgr ckp den lagi.....dia tak nangis, tapi air mata meleleh....uiks!!! Dia ni susah sket nak nangis unless it is really painful...kalau setakat luka2 tu, no hal la.... She was holding her chin...I went and see...my god it was really a deep cut... putih je kat situ, ini isi ke haper ni? Seram sejuk plak den tgk....I hold the whole cut, nak tahan darah la kununnyer..... Went and get the first aid.....brother tu suh gi klinik....just do kinda glue stitch....dan2 tu la jugak dia barai kat situ....bukan pasal sakit, pasal takut kena jahit...bila tanyer sakit tak?? Hai....tau2 le jawapannye...'tak sakit' takut punya pasal.....

Ni la ropernyer.....

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